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A modern law firm with traditional values

Founded in June 2022, Clarissa Tan & Wong distinguishes itself in the legal landscape by steadfastly upholding the traditional virtues of the legal profession, which we believe are fundamental to the practice of law. At the heart of our ethos lies a profound commitment to honesty, integrity, and professionalism—qualities that we consider indispensable for earning the trust and respect not only of our clients but also of the broader community and our professional peers.


Year of Establishment


Cases Completed



Branch Offices

Experienced Lawyers


Honesty is the cornerstone of our practice. We are dedicated to maintaining absolute truthfulness in all our interactions, whether in the courtroom or beyond. This principle guides our communication with clients, the judiciary, and third parties, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in every facet of our work


Integrity extends beyond mere honesty, encompassing a deep-seated ethical stance that persists even in the absence of direct oversight. It is our pledge to uphold the highest ethical standards, safeguard client confidentiality rigorously, and meticulously avoid any conflicts of interest. Our unwavering integrity is what underpins the public's confidence in our commitment to justice and fairness


Professionalism, as we define it, encompasses a broad spectrum of behaviors essential for the dignified practice of law. This includes, but is not limited to, demonstrating competence in our legal expertise, showing respect for the legal system and its participants, conducting ourselves courteously, and adhering strictly to both legal and ethical codes. We recognize that the public's expectation of lawyers includes not only diligence and reliability but also a profound respect for legal processes and the individuals involved in them

In an era marked by rapid changes and technological advancements, Clarissa Tan & Wong remains anchored to these timeless values. Yet, we are anything but antiquated. We embrace the dynamic shifts of our time, integrating traditional values with cutting-edge technology to deliver services that are not only of the highest quality but also of the greatest value to our clients.


Our mission is to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape with a blend of venerable principles and innovative solutions, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of legal practice while honoring the rich heritage of our profession

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